Kudus Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi With English Subtitles

Kudus Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi With English Subtitles

Kudus Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi With English Subtitles

Turanşah’s wrong decision changed the course of the war and brought Şehinşah to death. As the events in Asqalan brought chaos to Zengi State, the security of the pilgrimage route was also threatened. Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 28 With English Subtitles

Although this incident brings Selahaddin to be tried in court, it also moves towards revealing the big secret.

The people of Ascalan will blame Saladin for the loss they have suffered and will call the Zengi to account. Saladin will struggle under pressure from the council members on one side and the residents of Ascalan on the other. Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 28 With English Subtitles

Kudus Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi With English Subtitles

He must now act more strategically as he continues his fight against the Crusaders.

But Saladin was in big trouble with the state court before the Crusaders. Because he went to Askalan despite the court’s negative decision. He will now be tried for violating the court order.

Will the mysterious secret be revealed? And will Süreyya be able to trust Saladin again after all these events?

Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 28 With English Subtitles

Will Selahaddin manage to prove his innocence?















Saladin gained a powerful asset in his fight against the Crusaders and captured Victoria and the Grand Master.

However, during the exchange he plans to make for Askalan, an unexpected event occurs and the safety of the pilgrimage route is put in danger. This incident, which puts Saladin in a very difficult situation, leads him to face the reactions of Sultan Nureddin and Süreyya.

On the other hand, the fact that Gabriel is aware of Saladin’s movements indicates that there is a traitor in the palace.

In all these crises, Saladin will have to both keep the captives and reveal the traitor within. He takes action and comes up with a risky plan to achieve these goals.

Will Saladin be able to carry out his plan and achieve his goals? Who will be the one to betray him?

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