Kudus Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Season 2 With Urdu SubtitlesSalahuddin AyyubiSelahaddin Eyyubi Season 2 With Urdu SubtitlesSultan Salahuddin Ayyubi

Kudus Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Season 2 Episode 49 With Urdu Subtitles

Selahaddin Eyyubi Season 2 Episode 49 With Urdu Subtitles

طبیب لطیف، بچہ بادشاہ چہارم۔ اسے بالڈون کے علاج کے لیے یروشلم بھیجا گیا، لیکن وہ شہید ہوگیا۔ یہ واقعہ یروشلم میں انصاف کے تصور اور صلیبیوں کے اندر بدعنوانی دونوں کو ظاہر کرتا ہے۔ بچہ بادشاہ چہارم تخت پر بیٹھا ہے۔ بالڈون کے پاس ابھی تک انتظامیہ کو سنبھالنے کا حق نہیں ہے۔ اس کی سوتیلی ماں، ماریا کومنینوس، جو عدالت میں مرکزی آواز ہے، نیک نیتی کی آڑ میں اپنے سیاسی حساب کتاب کرتی ہے۔ دوسری جانب ایبلن کے بالین اور ٹائر کے ولیم کو لطیف کے قتل کا ذمہ دار ٹھہرایا جاتا ہے اور وہ فرار کا راستہ تلاش کر رہے ہیں۔ یہ سبیلا کے لیے قبول کرنا ایک مشکل صورتحال ہے۔ دریں اثنا، کاؤنٹیس ملا نے اسے حقائق کا سامنا کرنے پر زور دیا۔ عدالت میں توازن کس سمت میں ترقی کرے گا؟

مصر کے سلطان صلاح الدین نے ایک صدی کے صلیبی قبضے کی وجہ سے اخلاقی زوال کو ظاہر کیا۔ ان کی رائے میں طبیب لطیف کا غدارانہ قتل صلیبیوں کے اخلاقی زوال کی واضح علامت تھا۔ گائے ڈی لوسگنن نے سیبل کو تجویز کیا: اگر سیبل اس سے شادی کرتا ہے تو بالین زندہ رہے گا۔ یروشلم کے اندرونی تنازعات شہر کی تقدیر کا تعین کیسے کریں گے؟
کیا یروشلم کے تخت کو گھیرنے والی سازشیں خونریزی اور غداری کا باعث بنیں گی؟

دمشق میں Gümüştekin کے غدار اور مکروہ منصوبے تیزی سے جاری ہیں۔ ایسا لگتا ہے کہ وہ ہر اس شخص کو ختم کرنے کے لیے پرعزم ہے جو اس کے اقتدار پر مکمل قبضے کی راہ میں رکاوٹ ہے۔ تاہم صلاح الدین بھی خفیہ طور پر اپنی حکمت عملی پر عمل پیرا ہیں۔ تو صلاح الدین کا پلان کیا ہے؟ دمشق میں اقتدار کی کشمکش میں کون سا فریق جیتے گا؟

Selahaddin Eyyubi Season 2 Episode 49 With Urdu Subtitles

Avram, who captured the ark of the covenant, ordered to kill Sultan Nureddin. Saladin, who took action to save Nureddin, was unsuccessful despite all his efforts. Gregor badly wounded Sultan Nureddin and fell into the river.

Despite his severe wounds, Saladin jumps into the river after Sultan Nureddin. The news that Sultan Nureddin had fallen into the river with a serious wound caused the impact of bombs in the palace.

Meanwhile, Mevdud takes action and searches for the place where Nureddin disappeared. Although Saladin managed to escape the river he fell into, he was badly wounded. Despite everything, he tries to look for Nureddin. After his search, Mevdud concludes that Sultan Nureddin is dead. He then avenges his brother and elevates him to the throne to prevent the state from falling into chaos.

Meanwhile, Mevdud takes action and searches for the place where Nureddin disappeared. Although Saladin managed to escape the river he fell into, he was badly wounded. Despite everything, he tries to look for Nureddin. After his search, Mevdud concludes that Sultan Nureddin is dead. He then avenges his brother and elevates him to the throne to prevent the state from falling into chaos.

But Saladin comes to this point and says that Sultan Nureddin is alive.

They must get it at all costs. Mevdud considers Saladin’s attitude to be a conspiracy against him. Shirkuh, who agrees with Saladin, expels Isfahani and Melike from the palace. This movement leads to dualism in the state.

But Saladin comes to this point and says that Sultan Nureddin is alive. They must get it at all costs. Mevdud considers Saladin’s attitude to be a conspiracy against him. Shirkuh, who agrees with Saladin, expels Isfahani and Melike from the palace. This movement leads to dualism in the state.

But Saladin comes to this point and says that Sultan Nureddin is alive. They must get it at all costs. Mevdud considers Saladin’s attitude to be a conspiracy against him. Shirkuh, who agrees with Saladin, expels Isfahani and Melike from the palace. This movement leads to dualism in the state.

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Avram, responsible for all these events, thinks he is approaching his final goal. Now he has the ark of the covenant. He will act with the economic and military power he has and will do his best to bring down Damascus, the capital of the Zengi State, where he knows that internal turmoil has begun.

Is Sultan Nureddin, whose absence caused great turmoil and put the rulers in conflict with each other, alive? Will Damascus shrink because of the ever-approaching danger of the Crusader-Jewish coalition?

Will Avram achieve the great goal he has been looking forward to for so many years? What difficulties will Mawdud, who took the throne, cause in response to all this? Will Saladin be able to save the State of Zengi from its impasse?

Will Avram achieve the great goal he has been looking forward to for so many years? What difficulties will Mawdud, who took the throne, cause in response to all this? Will Saladin be able to save the State of Zengi from its impasse?

Can Saladin save the Zangi state from the stalemate in which it finds itself?

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براہ کرم تمام سرورز کو آزمائیں، یہ دیکھنے کے لیے کہ کون سا سرورآپ کے لیے بہترین کام کرتا ہے۔

Salahuddin Ayyubi Season 2 Episode 49 With Urdu Subtitles

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